secure transcription

Secure Transcription: How Safe is Your Data?

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

By its very nature, a secure transcription often deals with sensitive matters and includes personal, highly confidential or even top-secret information. How do transcription providers ensure that the people handling your data can be trusted to keep it secure? Secure transcriptions are a key procedural tool for formal investigations, from coroners’ inquests and police interviews to regulatory inquiries and employment-related …
secure sensitive transcription services

Secure, onsite facilities for sensitive transcription data

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

With highly sensitive transcription data, basic security measures are not enough Most transcription providers offer basic security measures like staff vetting and data handling processes, but some highly sensitive material requires enhanced protection. As recent news stories have shown, security can sometimes be less than optimal when it comes to transcription data. Even at large, high-profile organisations, lazy practices such …
secure remote transcription

How Your Remote Working Can Provide Accurate Transcripts

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Transcription: An Accurate Record of Your Video and Conference Calls COVID-19 restrictions mean organisations are looking again at the way they do business, including most importantly how they communicate with their collaborators, customers, partners, and employees. Almost overnight, face-to-face contact has been replaced by video or telephone conference calls. In just three months, the number of users worldwide of digital …
official records transcripts

Helping Police Budgets Go Further: Official Records Transcripts

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

How Outsourcing Official Records Transcripts Frees Up Time and Resources – Without Compromising On Quality With public sector funding increasingly under pressure, most police forces are trying to do more for less. Outsourcing official records transcripts to an experienced provider can help, and there’s more than one way to make it work. Since 2010, police forces in the UK have …
transcription services help sports regulators

How Transcription Services Help Sports Regulators Hold the Line

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Why High-Quality Transcription is Critical to Monitoring for Sporting Misconduct Sporting scandals make headlines. But behind the scenes, regulators and governing bodies are carrying out painstaking investigations to try to ensure sports stay clean. Here’s how high-quality transcription services help sports regulators tackle doping, cheating, and other sporting misconduct. Sports scandals – doping, match-fixing, illegal gambling, fraud, racism, and other …
best transcription provider

How to ensure you’re working with the best transcription provider

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

Using quality management systems to continuously improve transcription services Official record transcripts need to be accurate, timely, and in the right format. Finding a provider that is ISO 9001 certified is a good place to start, but how do you ensure you’re working with the best transcription provider, who don’t just deliver a consistently high standard but continuously improve too? …
How to get the Best Transcripts

Top Tips to Get the Best Transcripts – for You

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

There are a lot of transcription providers out there. So why not just pick the biggest name (or the cheapest quote) and hope they provide the best transcripts? In fact, there’s a lot you can do to ensure you get the transcripts you need, and choosing the right provider is just the start. Choosing the right provider to get the …
specialised language services

Specialised Language Services for Official Record Transcripts

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

The world is getting smaller and global organisations increasingly need to work in more than one language. Transcription companies are responding with a range of specialised language services, provided by some multi-lingual, multi-talented professionals. Transcription for formal written records is complicated, demanding work; it is important to be accurate, but also flexible, responsive and to have a flair for writing. …
Conference attendees taking notes

Scale Up: Expert Transcription for Conferences, Meetings, and Other Large-Scale Events

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

Transcription has been used in legal and other formal settings for many years. As speech-to-text technology evolves, the number of scenarios in which it can be helpful has increased, along with the scale of proceedings. Today, Appen is providing transcription services at conferences, meetings and events involving hundreds of participants and in almost as many languages. Traditionally, the creation of …

Saving Public Money – Secure, Accurate Transcription for Local Authorities

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

Faced with big reductions in funding, most councils in England and Wales are taking a fresh look at how they deliver services, including establishing partnerships with the private sector. One area where this is working well is transcription, with suppliers like Appen providing accurate, timely written records that are also highly cost-effective. For several years now, councils in England and …

Expert Recording for More Accurate Transcripts

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When it comes to converting speech to text, the focus is naturally on the finished product. Clients want transcripts that are accurate, presented in the right format and delivered on time. But transcribers, no matter how skilled, need high quality recordings in order to do their best work. When Beverley Cooper-Chambers applied for a job as a ‘VCR’ in 2014, …

Getting Transcripts Right for PACE and ABE Interviews

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

The best transcription providers work continuously to improve the accuracy of their written records. But sometimes, clients need more. For interviews carried out as part of a criminal investigation, transcripts must also be produced under prescribed conditions and in a specified format. If not, the implications can be serious for everyone involved. In England and Wales, the questioning of a …

People Power: How Outsourcing Transcription Services Can Help Human Resources Teams Do More

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

For hard-pressed Human Resources and Employee Relations teams, accurately documenting formal proceedings like disciplinary meetings, grievance hearings or redundancy appeals can be a challenge. But, outsourcing this work can lighten the load. With a high-quality, impartial written record, these teams can bring matters to an even speedier conclusion. Whatever business you are in, your people are your greatest asset, and …

The G-Cloud: Helping Public Sector Organisations Access High-Quality Data Annotation Services

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Appen has been accepted as a supplier of its Figure Eight data annotation platform on G-Cloud, part of the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace. G-Cloud is an online platform designed to help public sector organisations more easily procure services and offers significant benefits for buyers and sellers alike. The UK Government launched its Digital Marketplace in 2012 with the aim of …

Note Taking Services: The Expert Transcription Solution With a Human Touch

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

Note taking services are the ‘go-to’ choice for obtaining an official record transcript when an audio or video recording isn’t possible. But that doesn’t mean note taking is second best. These transcripts are highly accurate, thanks to a group of professionals with some very specific skills. Put simply, note taking is the process of creating a written account of what …

Satisfaction Guaranteed? Why ISO9001-Accredited Providers Create Better Transcripts

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To achieve and retain an international quality standard like ISO9001 can be challenging, requiring the ongoing commitment of an entire organisation. When it comes to transcription, it is worth seeking out a provider that meets this standard, since it guarantees not just more accurate transcripts, but also the very best customer service. ISO9001 is an established quality standard recognised all …

Recording and transcription: an accurate, affordable alternative to stenography

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Thirty years ago, no courtroom or formal proceeding would have been complete without a stenographer. But technological advances mean that today there is a cost-effective, reliable alternative to stenography that comes with a host of other benefits. It’s a classic courtroom scene: legal counsel, courtroom officials and a stenographer, briskly creating the official written record. These days, you’re just as …
Man giving voice command to phone

Technical transcription for ASR: helping machines learn

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For many of us, voice powered technology has become part of our daily lives. But making sure Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is as accurate as possible presents an ongoing technical challenge. Appen’s technical transcripts are playing a key role in providing machines with the data they need to understand the human voice better. Work first began in the 1950s to …
Businesspeople in a boardroom

Secure Transcription for Investigative Interviews

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Experts and practitioners from the world of fraud and investigation are gathering in Birmingham this month for the Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation’s Fraud and Investigation Conference. Information about Appen’s services for investigations will be available, helping clients in this industry get accurate, secure written records every time. Investigative interviews come in many shapes and sizes, from police interviews …
Police on bikes in the Caribbean

Secure Transcription for Police Forces: Appen’s Services in the Spotlight at Caribbean Policing Event

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Balancing financial pressures – doing more for less – is a familiar story for police forces all over the world. Appen’s cost-effective, secure transcription services can help, as the Association of Caribbean Police Commissioners is finding out this month. Between 21 and 24 May, the Association of Caribbean Police Commissioners (ACPC) is holding its Annual General Meeting and Conference, this …
Man sitting at desk with headphones

Verbatim, ‘Intelligent’, or Summary: How to Choose the Right Transcript Style

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When it comes to transcription, accuracy is everything. But with different transcription styles on offer, and all of them accurate in their own way, how do you choose? Here’s Appen’s guide to getting it right. Broadly speaking, there are three types of transcription: verbatim, so-called ‘intelligent’ verbatim and summaries. Verbatim transcription Verbatim does exactly what it says on the tin. …
The Appen Exeter Team

The Parliamentary Review 2019: Appen’s Vision for AI and Machine Learning

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Many worry about the potential effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the economy and society. But Appen believes AI has the potential to transform the way organisations and companies do business. It’s this visionary approach, along with years of experience, that’s led to Appen’s inclusion in the latest issue of the UK’s Parliamentary Review publication. The Parliamentary Review is an …
Voice recorder on table next to pen

How Verbatim Transcripts for Coroners’ Inquests Help Keep the Record Straight

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

Coroners in England and Wales are required to record every inquest they hold. These audio recordings aren’t routinely transcribed, but sometimes only a high-quality verbatim, written transcript will do. Inquests are all about establishing the facts – investigating the circumstances around a sudden, unexplained or violent death, or a death in custody. And when it comes to the business of …
Workers in the Appen Exeter office

Secure, Confidential Transcription Services: How Information Security Standards Keep Your Data Safe

Sarah Lowe Leave a Comment

More and more organisations are outsourcing transcription for investigative interviews. But how do you make sure your sensitive, confidential data is captured, shared, and stored securely? Two security standards, ISO27001 and CyberEssentials, can provide reassurance. Investigative interviews come in all shapes and sizes. You might be a regulator running an inquiry into bribery and corruption, or a local authority looking …
Photo of Heathrow Airport Terminal

Appen UK Awarded Heathrow World of Opportunity Grant

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We are excited to announce that Appen UK was recently awarded the Heathrow World of Opportunity Grant, a program that supports UK-based firms in exporting their products and services to new international markets. Working in partnership with the Department for International Trade’s (DIT) ‘Exporting is GREAT’ Campaign, SMEs will receive £2000 each to fund trade missions or to research global …
Data protection for video evidence

Data Protection for Video Evidence

Liz Griffiths Leave a Comment

Body Worn Cameras (BWC) and the video evidence they provide has been a game changer for the Criminal Justice System in the UK. Highly charged situations can affect a person’s ability to recall events with certainty, and the camera is proving to be a reliable impartial witness. As the use of these cameras has had positive results for agencies like …