Getting up can be, for many of us, one of the hardest parts of the day. Sometimes no matter what time we go to bed, we’re still tired when we wake up in the morning. This can be due to many things, such as variations in our daily and nightly routine, an old or uncomfortable mattress, stress about a work or personal situation, or even just spending too much time on our phones!
Whatever the reason for our yawns, you’ll be happy to know there are things we can do to improve our morning routine and prepare for the day ahead. Visit the links below for 10 of the best resources we found while sitting in bed and looking at our phones…
How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule
Build Your Own Morning Routine
Why You Should Stop Checking Your Phone in the Morning
Positive Affirmations to Start Your Morning
Why You Should Drink Water First Thing Every Day
Top 10 Morning Exercises to Do at Home