Quarterly Content Must-Haves for Remote Work: Here’s What We’re Excited About in the Second Quarter of 2022

Spring is peeking around the corner; the daffodils are poking their heads out of the ground, the last freeze has come and gone, and the days are getting longer. The start of the new season is a great time to try some new things and set some new goals.

Here are a few things we’ve been obsessing over and think you might too. And, just so you know, we’re not sponsored by or affiliated with any of these products, they’re just things we think you’ll love.

What We’re Downloading


With Spring comes flowers, gardening, and planting veggies and herbs. To go along with your plant obsession, check out our new favorite app: PlantSnap. This AI-powered app can identify any plant with just the snap of a photo and is as accurate as carrying a botanist in your pocket.

The PlantSnap database is made up of over 650,000 plants and over 475 million images. Coming from a company that makes AI training databases, count us impressed.

What We’re Listening To

The Experiment

From the brilliant, longtime radio peeps at WNYC and the journalists of The Atlantic, we get a new(ish) podcast called The Experiment. Each week, The Experiment puts out an episode about the unfinished experiment that is the United States. Topics range from mansplaining on the supreme court to the true cost of prison phone calls to abuse in American gymnastics. Episodes range from 30 to 45 minutes, for a short-listen during your commute.

We highly recommend the recent 4-part series on that oft-hated and also adored canned meat, Spam.

What We’re Reading

Principles by Ray Dalio

If you’re looking for some inspiration for making life simpler, Principles by Ray Dalio is the book for you. Dalio’s premise for this book is that life, economics, and investing can all be managed with a few simple rules. This book is the perfect read for anyone who manages others or is interested in starting their own business.

Written in bite-sized, digestible chunks, Principles is an easy read that you’re certain to find yourself underlining and highlighting something on every page.

What We’re Doing

Spring Cleaning

Spring not only brings flowers, it also brings the itch to tidy up and clean out our spaces. If you’re down for a little spring cleaning, now, you can do it with support. Sign up for Apartment Therapy’s Spring Cleaning Cure and get an email in your inbox each morning for 10 days with a small spring cleaning task. For even more fun, get a friend to sign up with you, and do it together.

For even more spring cleaning inspiration, check out Apartment Therapy’s list of ideas and their guide to spring cleaning your entire home.

five ingredient easy meals

What We’re Cooking

Mediterranean Grain Bowl

This Mediterranean Grain Bowl from Blue Zones is healthy, easy to make, and hearty. Combine massaged kale, quinoa, chickpeas, and roasted sweet potatoes topped with a fresh lemon tahini dressing for a tasty grain bowl. This recipe is also very forgiving, so don’t be afraid to make swaps for what you’ve already got in your pantry or add another ingredient to suit your taste buds.

With longer days and warm temperatures, we’re all beginning to thaw out from the winter. It’s time to get outside, spring clean our homes, and enjoy some good food, books, and podcasts.


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