image of male farmer in a field using technology to improve the wellbeing of his crops to produce better food

Beyond “Do No Harm:” Why AI Must be Ethical and Responsible

The pace of technological change is increasing.  The long-term uptake of AI will depend not only on societies’ willingness to embrace new technology, but also on the willingness of those developing the technology to embrace all of society. Generative AI is the latest breakthrough in AI, and like many cutting-edge technologies generative AI is facing its own teething challenges. Society …
Person reading in the driver seat of a car

Autonomous Vehicles: One of AI’s Most Challenging Tasks

Autonomous vehicles are said to be the holy grail of the automotive industry, set to revolutionize transportation. The hype for autonomous vehicles just a few years ago was as high as can be—so what happened? Where’s our driverless car revolution that so many companies touted we’d have by 2021? As it turns out, creating a self-driving car is much harder …
headshot of Andrea Clayton, Appen Chief People Officer

Meet the Executive: Andrea Clayton

For the past few years, companies have been shifting their rhetoric from what they’re making and selling to what they’re doing to benefit their community and their employees. But, many were just paying lip service to the cause. Not at Appen. We put our actions where our mouth is, starting with the hiring of Chief People Officer Andrea Clayton in …