callminer case study

CallMiner Delivers Fast and Accurate Customer Insights with Large-Scale Annotation Solution

Appen is so fast. Using their platform, we could do overnight what used to take us a month. Appen is wonderfully efficient. – Rick Britt, Vice President of AI, CallMiner The Company Founded in 2002, CallMiner is the pioneer of the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered speech analytics space. In the years since, the company has continued to advance its AI software …
MediaInterface Expands to France With Off-the-Shelf Datasets

MediaInterface Expands to France With Pre-Labeled Datasets

 We were expanding to a new market. Although we had a fully localized software, we were lacking resources, so our clients could not optimally use it. Appen helped us out with French lexicon data. – Ines Wendler, Product Manager, MediaInterface The Company For over 20 years, MediaInterface has delivered language technology solutions to primarily healthcare-related institutions in Germany and other …