5 Machine Learning Use Cases that are Making a Difference in the Business World

5 Machine Learning Use Cases that are Making a Difference in the Business World

Companies that are using machine learning are starting to reap the rewards and transform the way they do business. Machine learning is allowing businesses to optimize operations, deliver better customer experiences, enhance security and more. As enterprises race to stand out from the competition and do more with the same resources, machine learning is becoming an important investment. Here are …
Deep Learning in the Enterprise Insights from AI Expo 2017

Insights from AI Expo 2017: Deep Learning in the Enterprise

I recently attended a keynote session at the AI Expo 2017 called “The Application of Deep Learning within an Enterprise”, a panel featuring speakers across a variety of industries.  The executives on the panel highlighted a wide variety of use cases for machine learning in their organizations, beyond what one would expect. For example, Vadim Kutsyy, Distinguished Architect, Data Science from …