callminer case study

CallMiner Delivers Fast and Accurate Customer Insights with Large-Scale Annotation Solution

Appen is so fast. Using their platform, we could do overnight what used to take us a month. Appen is wonderfully efficient. – Rick Britt, Vice President of AI, CallMiner The Company Founded in 2002, CallMiner is the pioneer of the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered speech analytics space. In the years since, the company has continued to advance its AI software …
MediaInterface Expands to France With Off-the-Shelf Datasets

MediaInterface Expands to France With Pre-Labeled Datasets

 We were expanding to a new market. Although we had a fully localized software, we were lacking resources, so our clients could not optimally use it. Appen helped us out with French lexicon data. – Ines Wendler, Product Manager, MediaInterface The Company For over 20 years, MediaInterface has delivered language technology solutions to primarily healthcare-related institutions in Germany and other …
2020 predictions in artificial intelligence

Top 6 Trends for AI Initiatives Going into 2020

2020 Predictions in Artificial Intelligence to Consider When Operationalizing AI Developments With 2019 hardly fading in the rear-view mirror, it’s a good time to take a step back and see what’s in store for the next 12 months. For those managing and implementing AI and ML projects and deployments, it’s been a rapidly evolving ecosystem, and 2020 will be no …
Conversational design

How to Solve Common Data Challenges in Conversational Design

When planning the development of a chatbot or virtual assistant, it’s important to begin the conversational design process with a clear data strategy in place. Conversational design requires more than just an understanding of the fundamentals of voice user interface design — you also need to understand how to solve some of the key challenges in data preparation. Working with the …
Insights from Conversational Interaction 2018: NLP, Chatbots & Comedians

Insights from Conversational Interaction 2018: NLP, Chatbots, and Comedians

Prithivi Pradeep, Appen VP of Business Development, and I recently attended Conversational Interaction in San Jose, CA. The conference provides companies and individuals a great opportunity to share and learn about the resources and knowledge that allow them to embrace AI. The importance of Artificial Intelligence technology has been emphasized by influential corporate executives and thoughtful analysts alike. Conversational interfaces are a major …
Global Tech Firm Expands into New Markets with Enhanced Speech System [Case Study]

Global Tech Firm Reaches New Markets with Enhanced Child Speech System

When designing a voice recognition system, it’s important that the speech system understands everyone speaking to it. But what happens when a speech recognition system doesn’t account for children’s speech? Most speech recognition platforms are only designed with adults in mind. Child speech is very different than adult speech, and not all speech recognition devices are well-equipped to deal with …